What Lies at the Core of Environmental Graphics?

Incorrect — Environmental graphics are graphics pertaining to the natural world, sustainability, or the environment.

If you thought the definition above was correct, you’re not the only one. For many people, hearing the word “environmental” automatically makes them think of green recycling signs, sustainability initiatives, or messages relating to the earth itself. None of these things are bad, and in fact, many organizations attempt to implement as many sustainable practices as they can into their book of business. However, that definition is incorrect.

Correct — Environmental graphics or environmental graphic design is simply a type of graphical display within the environment of a space itself. This means it’s more than a poster or electronic display; it’s a physical part of the space you enter and interact with.

According to Gensler, “Environmental graphics are a way to engage employees on a level that can be easy to overlook, physically in the workspace. They are meant to be tailored to help the space feel more like you and less like everybody else. It is a tool that can communicate your company’s ‘why’ and what you believe in.”

For NewGround’s clients, environmental graphics are a way to honor their community and history by integrating brand elements into the space itself. One example of this is our work with the Neches Federal Credit Union Headquarters. During the course of this project, Neches FCU had to overcome many challenges, including environmental disasters and external forces. Instead of hiding this history, Neches embraced the challenges they needed to overcome and displayed this history within a geographic environmental design stretching up the side of the staircase. It features the river located nearby and physical embodiments of the history.

Examples like this perfectly showcase the significance of environmental graphic design. Environmental graphic design is all about creativity within a space as opposed to a simple graphic sitting alongside a space.

If you’d like to see another example of environmental graphics, see our work firsthand with Pat’s Pantry!

If you’re interested in learning more about environmental graphic design, Connect with Us today and hear more!

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